Mass / Liturgy

"Beautiful and insightful homilies and Blessings in every Liturgy and Holy Mass, celebrated for you by each Priest." (approximate time is under 30 minutes) + Auslan sign language for deaf people.

"Perpetual Special Liturgy and Mass said for your special intentions"


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Patrick Vaughan  – 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time [Yr C]


"How to live life to get into Heaven"


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Slawek Plonka OMI – 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time [Yr A]


"What it means to love and grow in Christian perfection"


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Mark De Battista – 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time [Yr A]


"How to be a leader and a good example for others"


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Chris de Sousa CRS – 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time [Yr A]


"Beautiful Life Message and Blessings"


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Slawek Plonka OMI – 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time [Yr C]


"Man does not live on bread alone but on every Word from The Mouth Of God"


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Slawek Plonka OMI – 1st Sunday of Lent [Yr A]


"This is My Beloved Son, Listen to Him", (How to be Transfigured with Jesus Christ)


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME With Fr Damian Mosakowski OSPPE - 2nd Sunday of Lent [Yr A]


"If today you hear His Voice, harden not your hearts"


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr John Corrigan – 3rd Sunday of Lent [Yr A]


"Open my eyes and ears Lord Jesus, help me to see Your Face and hear Your Voice"


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Slawek Plonka OMI – 4th Sunday of Lent [Yr A]


"How to live and walk in Faith with God in your life"


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Damian Mosakowski OSPPE – 5th Sunday of Lent [Yr A]


"Palm Sunday of The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ"


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Mark De Battista – Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday)  [Yr A]


"Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ" - (Greatest Event in Human History and in the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ)


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Mark De Battista – Easter Sunday   [Yr A]


"Feast Of Divine Mercy Sunday"


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr John Corrigan – 2nd Sunday of Easter [Yr A]


"When you are feeling down and all alone, Our Lord Jesus Christ is always with you"


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Mark De Battista – 3rd Sunday of Easter  [Yr A]


"The Good Shepherd, Our Lord Jesus Christ"


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Daniel McCaughan – 4th Sunday of Easter  [Yr A]


Our Lord Jesus Christ said " I am the way, the truth and the life",  "The words I say to you, I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is The Father, living in Me, Who is doing His Work" - (Lord let Your Mercy be on us as we place our trust in You) 


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Joshua Whitehead – 5th Sunday of Easter  [Yr A]


"Healing Mass - Call for The Holy Spirit's Presence in your life"


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Rob Galea – 6th Sunday of Easter  [Yr A]


"The Ascension, Our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven" - (The Great Commission and we the Body Of Christ)


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Mark De Battista – 7th Sunday of Easter  [Yr A]


"Pentecost Sunday" - (Feast Of The Descent Of The Holy Spirit upon The Apostles and Disciples and the official inauguration of The Church)


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Bishop Brian Mascord – Pentecost, 8th Sunday of Easter  [Yr A]


"God Our Father Almighty, God The Son Our Lord Jesus Christ and God The Holy Spirit The Paraclete"

(The Holy Trinity)


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Daniel McCaughan – The Most Holy Trinity Feast  [Yr A]


Jesus said, "I am the living bread that comes down from Heaven, anyone who eats my flesh will live forever"


MASS FOR YOU AT HOME with Fr Rob Galea – Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Feast  [Yr A]